Year 1

Year 1

Hello and welcome to Year 1. Thank you for taking the time to look at all the exciting things we get up to! Our team include: Mrs Chapman – I am the Year 1 teacher at St Mary’s. Miss Henderson teaches in Year One on a Thursday afternoon and all day on a Friday.

We have so much fun in our classroom! We are lucky enough to have our own outdoor area.

Saint Joseph Class

Our Class morning prayer

Dear God,

Welcome in to our school of St Mary’s.

Bless all of our children everyday.

Please help us to be the best person that we can be,

in our work and when we play.

Help us to look after each other and keep everyone safe.

We pray that as part of the St Mary’s family, you will

love us forever and watch over us as we continue to

Believe, Succeed and Soar.


Learning Overview

Our PE days are Monday and Friday so please can children come to school dressed appropriately.

We have a lunchtime club on a Monday.

Class Timetable

Morning LearningLunchAfternoon Learning
MondayLiturgical Prayer, Maths, English and PhonicsMeditation, History/Geography, PE, Storytime, Collective Worship
TuesdayLiturgical Prayer, Maths, English and PhonicsMeditation, RE, Art/DT, Storytime, Class Collective Worship
WednesdayLiturgical Prayer, Maths, English, PhonicsMeditation, RE, Storytime, KS1 Collective Worship.
ThursdayLiturgical Prayer, Maths, English and PhonicsMeditation, Music, Computing, RSHE, Storytime, Choral Worship.
FridayLiturgical Prayer, Phonics, English, Maths.Meditation, Science, PE, Storytime, Celebration Assembly.

Termly Overviews

Our Wonderful Work this Term!

Home Learning

Keep logging on to Numbots to support your child’s learning in Mathematics.

Reading at home

Questions To Ask Your Child When Reading

As we all know reading is such a key part of our development.  Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity, and stimulates the imagination in young children. Often, this leads to role-play as children grow which helps to develop other skills such as empathy, problem-solving, and morality.

When you share books with your child here are some questions to help you get even more from the experience.

Our House Teams 2024-25





Previous Learning