Year 6

Year 6

Hello and welcome to Year 6 Class. Thank you for taking the time to look at all the exciting things we get up to! Our team include: Mrs Howle is the Year 6 teacher. She is also the English and RE lead. Her favourite subject to teach is English; she particularly loves classic literature and grammar. In her spare time, she loves to walk her dogs and read but not at the same time!

Mrs Williams is the teaching assistant in Year 6.

In her spare time, she likes to read true crime stories and she also produces some wonderful cakes.

St Christopher Class

Our Class Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father, 

As we embark on our voyage through Year 6, we ask for guidance from St Christopher to follow the light of Christ.

Allow us to return your unconditional love and wisdom and strengthen our bond with you.

Help us to be role models, to be examples of respect, honesty and patience.

Give us the courage to be missionary disciples in all areas of our lives.

Help us to show solidarity and always stand with our global brethren.

Let us remember that Christ is at the centre of our school and our hearts: we can believe, succeed and soar.








Learning Overview

Class Timetable

Morning LearningLunchAfternoon Learning
MondayReading, Maths, EnglishRE, RSHE Whole School Celebration of the Word
TuesdayReading, Maths, EnglishHistory/Geography, Outdoor PE, Class Celebration of the Word/KS2 Assembly
WednesdayReading, Maths, EnglishRE, Art/DT, KS2 Celebration of the Word
ThursdayMusic, Maths, EnglishComputing, PE, Choral Worship
FridayReading, Maths, EnglishScience, RSHE, Whole School Celebration of the Word

Termly Overviews

Our Wonderful Work this Term!

Home Learning

Reading at home

Questions To Ask Your Child When Reading

As we all know reading is such a key part of our development.  Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity, and stimulates the imagination in young children. Often, this leads to role-play as children grow which helps to develop other skills such as empathy, problem-solving, and morality.

When you share books with your child here are some questions to help you get even more from the experience.

Our House Teams 2022-23






Previous Learning

Year 6 Advent Liturgy

DT Challenge

DT Challenge