School Day

School Times

08:45 Doors open

09:00 Start

09:00 – 09:10 Registration

09:10 – Assembly

(Monday. See Assemblies- below)

09.30– 10:35 – Session One

10:30– 10:45 – Break KS1

10.45 -11.00 – Break KS2

10:45 – 12:00– Second Session (this may be broken into two sessions at the teacher’s discretion)

12:00 – 13:00 – KS1 Lunch

12:15 – 13:15 – KS2 Lunch

13:00 – 14: 15 – Third Session

14:15 – 15:30 – Final Session

(KS 1 may take a 10 minute break in the afternoon. This is a daily arrangement made between the KS 1 staff and YR staff)

(The Daily Mile will take place on the days when the children don’t have a PE lesson.)

Lunch time Arrangements.

  • All children eat their lunch in the school hall.
  • Hot school meals are pre-ordered by parents. In KS1, pupil’s order lists are provided so that pupils can be given the relevant meal card (Menu 1-5) and sticker for desert (Yellow=yoghurt, green= fruit, no sticker = desert). It is important that every pupil gets the right meal and desert each day.
  • KS2 pupils check the lists themselves and inform the kitchen staff of their order
  • Staff may have a hot school meal but these must be ordered and paid for in advance.
  • At the start of lunch, teaching staff will supervise the washing of hands and say grace. The lunchtime supervisor will then take over. Some children from Y6 may help the supervisors with the younger children in YR and Y1
  • At the end of lunch, midday supervisors supervise the children’s return into class and wait with the children in the classrooms until the class teachers’ return.
  • Pupils are able to use the toilet throughout the lunchtime period providing they have asked a member of staff and have been given a ‘peg’.

Start of Day Routine

  • Children should arrive no sooner than 08:30.
  • 08:45 – 09:00 – Head teacher or designated member of staff will open the door and children will make their way quietly to their classrooms.
  • Reception parents can drop their children off at the Reception outdoor area for the first 2 terms

Home Time

  • At 15:20 children from YR will be ready to be collected by their parents from the Reception class.
  • At 15:20 children from Y1 will be ready to be collected by their parents from the side door by the steps
  • At 15:20 children from Y2 will leave the building by pupil’s entrance and should meet their parents in the playground.
  • At 15:30 children from classes 3 – 6 will leave the building by pupil’s entrance and should meet their parents in the playground or leave the premises immediately.
  • Any children who would normally be collected but are left waiting, should go to the main reception foyer to await collection.