Collective Worship

Prayer and Celebrations of the Word

“For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them” (Matthew 18:20)

At St. Mary’s, prayer and liturgy is far more than a statutory requirement. It is crucial to the spiritual life of the school and to our pupils’ moral and spiritual development. Prayer and liturgy is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into a relationship with Him, made possible through the work of Jesus Christ and the witness of the Holy Spirit.


A daily pattern of prayer and liturgy we offer at St Mary’s:

Morning Before Lunch After Lunch 2.50pm End of Day
Morning Prayer Lunchtime Prayer Meditation Prayer and Liturgy End of day Prayer


A weekly pattern of prayer and liturgy we offer at St Mary’s:

  Type Place Time Leader Evaluation
Mon Whole School Celebration of the Word (Sunday’s Gospel) Hall 2.50pm HT Pupils: using evaluation station
Tue Pupil-led

Celebration of the Word

Classrooms 2.50pm Pupils on rota Pupils: in class
Wed Key Stage

Celebration of the Word

Hall 2.50pm Chaplaincy Team Pupils: using evaluation station
Thur Choral Singing Hall 2.50pm DHT / Music Teacher
Fri Celebration Assembly Hall 2.50pm HT


Click here for: Annual Planning And Provision


We endeavour to provide prayer and liturgy opportunities that are engaging, of a high quality and accessible and relevant to pupils. We support pupils to plan and lead prayer and liturgy with increasing independence.

Click here for: Prayer And Liturgy Policy September 2024

Click here for: Prayer And Liturgy Pupil Progression


“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers”. (Acts 2:42)

We recognise and revere the most Holy Sacrament of the celebration of the Eucharist. We believe it is central to our roles as being members of the Body of Christ and the redeeming life graces and blessings it provides.

We firmly believe in the importance of celebrating the Mass by:

  • Providing opportunities for school and parish masses throughout the academic year
  • Celebrating Mass at the key times of the school year to highlight special occasions
  • Attending and celebrating Holy Days of Obligation with the parish

Our School Prayers

Prayer naturally punctuates the school day through our Morning, Lunchtime and End of Day prayers.

Daily Prayers

Come and see our Prayer and Liturgy

New Year 2025 Mass

Wreath Making

Carols Around The Tree

Adoration and Benediction

Remembrance Service

All Saints Mass

The Rosary live with Bishop Patrick

Living Rosary with Father Jonathan

Harvest Liturgy led by EYFS