RE Curriculum
As a Catholic School, Religious Education is at the heart of our curriculum as we strive to proclaim and the live the Christian values taught by Jesus Christ, within the Catholic tradition. This permeates every aspect of our school life. RE is not taught solely as a curriculum area but as a way of life, promoting the gospel values, giving praise and reverence to God. With parents and Parish, we hope to lead children to a greater understanding of who God is and to celebrating with deeper faith and understanding, the liturgy of the Church. It is an opportunity for everyone to develop their own personal faith through word, action and to enter into a communion with God, made possible, through the divine work of Jesus his Son and the witness of the Holy Spirit. This is achieved through liturgy, collective worship, assemblies, lessons, including curriculum content, and roles and responsibilities throughout the school, which deepen our Catholic life and highlight our belief that Christ is at the centre of all that we do.
Religious Education is about the ‘meaning’ of life and the need to discover answers about human existence. As a Catholic community, we seek our meaning for life in God and in following the example set by Jesus Christ. We teach that God is love and faithfulness, but understanding of this can only grow from our own experience of love and kindness. Every effort is made to create in the school and in the classroom, a community in which children know they are loved and feel confident, secure and wanted, in this way, religious education is at the heart of all we do.