School Council

Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community. Children in the council will discuss issues such as behaviour, rewards and resources.

Meet Our School Council 2024/2025

Year 1

Y1 Pupil: I think St Mary’s should be happy and with a nice playground. We want to learn lots of different and interesting things. There should be lots of books for everyone to read.

Y1 Pupil: St Mary’s needs to be a fun place to be. There will be lots of lovely books to read in the library. Everyone should listen carefully to the teachers. It doesn’t matter how you look, it just matters that you try your best.

Year 2

Emily: I want St Mary’s to be friendly so everyone can be friends with each other. It would be nice if we had more breaktimes. I would get more toys for indoor play and more teacher awards.

Bella-Mai: I think St Mary’s should be a fun place with the best teachers. There will be lots of trophies. I want everyone to play nicely on the field and have fun at swimming.

Year 3

Charlotte: I want St Mary’s to be kind and loving. I am going to help that by telling people to help each other. I can show kindness and I can listen to others. Also, I can come up with ideas. I will listen and never talk when someone else is talking

Khadeejah: I want to make the school a better place by helping all the young children who don’t know what to do. I will help them to be kind to others and treat them how you would want to be treated. People who are treating others badly should apologise. I will teach them how to be nice and respect the teachers and have good manners.

Year 4

Mark: I want St Mary’s to be a happy school with well behaved children. I will help them follow the rules. I will be good at telling teachers the children’s ideas. I will listen very hard to the children’s ideas and take their ideas to school council.

Mina: I think St Mary’s should have some lunchtime clubs so children don’t get bored. I think teachers should give out little prizes for children who have been really good. I think people who get the shine award should have their picture taken and be put on a shine award wall.

Year 5

Sinead: I want St Mary’s to be a kind and caring school because it’s already great. We could achieve this by helping others and staying calm. I can bring the skills of calmness and kindness. I can ensure everyone is included by banning pirate games and making sure everyone is treating everyone the same.

Rebecca: I want St Mary’s to be welcoming to all students, including people of all backgrounds and families. I will help people and be a team player so everyone can stay safe.

Year 6

Jeremy: I want the school to be one of the best in Lincolnshire County with an outstanding Ofsted rating. I will work with the teachers and promote a better learning environment. I will have regular meetings with students to discuss their problems. As a school councillor, I will be polite, a good listener, respectful, honest, patient, dress modestly and be a good communicator. I will have an open forum where students can bring their views.

Kaylee: I want St Mary’s to be a happy and fun place. I want to be a role model for the young kids in the school and show them the St Mary’s Way. I want to make sure everyone is included at lunch. We should have some different clubs that school council can do. I am a good communicator because when someone is talking and asks me a question they will understand me. Also I show kindness because if I was rude, nobody would trust me. Another skill I have is care because it’s important to help everyone.


What have we been working on?

Improving Playtimes

We have been thinking about how we can improve playtimes at St Mary’s. We have gathered ideas from our classes about which playground equipment they enjoy using and what they would like to see more of. Then, we discussed the ideas we collected in our school council meetings and decided on a list of equipment to order for our school. We worked with Mrs Mumford to order the equipment and organise it when it arrived.

Equipment Rules

School Council led an assembly to show the school how to use the new playtime equipment. They created a list of rules:

  • Use the equipment sensibly and safely, for its intended purpose
  • Use the equipment with enough space around you
  • Wait patiently for a turn if someone else is using it
  • Ask politely to use the equipment

Tidying Up

  • Tidying up is everyone’s responsibility:
  1. On the first whistle, stop
  2. When your house is called, put the equipment away on your way inside
  3. If there’s equipment on the floor near you, pick it up and put it away

Promoting British Values

We have been discussing how we can promote the British Values at St Mary’s. We explored the British Values: Democracy; Rule of Law, Individual Liberty; Mutual Respect and Tolerance. We led an assembly to the whole school to remind everyone about the British Values and help them understand how we promote these at St Mary’s.

School Council Assembly

Making and Selling Christmas Decorations

We have been making Christmas decorations to sell during Advent! We collected craft materials that were shiny, sparkly and brightly coloured. We used these materials to fill the inside of some Christmas tree baubles. We created some personalised tree decorations made from a tree trunk, where pupils could choose a letter to be stenciled onto the circular wood piece. We also sold ‘colour your own’ decorations. The money we raised is being put towards the cost of new playtime equipment.