Live Simply

Our Live Simply Journey

In February 2024, we were delighted to have our application to work towards the CAFOD Live Simply award accepted. Since then, we have taken the first steps on our journey towards the award. Most importantly, we are raising awareness about the importance of care for our common home and in living in solidarity with our global family. Our pledges have direct links to principles of Catholic Social Teaching too.

To find out more about our Live Simply journey so far, and to find out more about the pledges we have made, please click here.

In May 2024, Mrs Wright and our representatives from our school Eco Team in Year 4 led a Laudato Si’ assembly for the whole school in connection with our Live Simply award. Mrs Wright explained what Laudato Si’ was and why it is so important. The Year 4’s talked about the Eco Team and what the aims of this pupil led group were; primarily to be role models in helping to protect our common home. They also wrote a lovely prayer which we prayed as a whole school community:

Dear God,

Thank you for the amazing world you have given us and for all of the resources and food you provide us with. Thank you for all the wonderful animals. Please help us to take care of them and to protect their habitats. We are sorry that there is so much pollution in our world today and that some people hurt our world by chopping down trees and by throwing litter away irresponsibly. Help us to renew our efforts to protect our planet and all the animals who call it their home too. Help us to treat humans, animals, and all of your creation with respect.
