
Parent Governor Vacancy

In our school we have provision for 2 parent governor and there is currently one vacancy. The term of office would be for four years.

Candidates at the time of appointment must be a parent, or an individual exercising parental responsibility, of a registered pupil at the school.

If you would like to stand for election please complete the below nomination form and return it to the school no later than 6th September 2024 at 10am. You should also include a short personal statement to support your nomination, which should be no longer than 250 words. Self-nominations will be accepted but if you are nominating another parent, please seek their prior consent.

If there are more nominations than vacancies, the election will be by secret ballot. If that is necessary, voting papers will be sent to all parents together with details of the ballot procedure.

If you have any queries please contact the clerk on

The Role Of The Governor Body

Parent Governor Elections Nomination Form

Parent Gov Elections Letter & Info To Parents & Carers

Declaration Of Eligibility