Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community. Children in the council will discuss issues such as behaviour, rewards and resources.
There are two children from each class in the school council for any academic year. Children who want to be considered for the post must prepare a speech, they read this to their class and then the children in the class vote in a secret ballot for two people that they would like to represent them. This will be how the Class Council members are chosen.
The School Council will meet six times a year.
The members of 2021/2022 School Council are:
Year 1: Mikolaj & Alicia
Year 2: Aria & Xander
Year 3: Poppy Rae & Kenzie
Year 4: Filip & Nancy
Year 5: Seb & Cora
Year 6: Elliot & Grace